Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Breakfast Burritos

First of all, sorry for the lazy iphone photo. :-( Sometimes it's just too convenient. Every now and then I like to shake up the usual boring breakfasts (bagels with cream cheese and strawberries, cereal, Greek vanilla yogurt with granola and fruit, and our latest easy kick--cinnamon rolls from the refrigerated can) and make a yummy warm breakfast burrito. It takes more effort but boy is it worth it! I tried to copy my absolute favorite Breakfast Burrito of all time from Rooster Cafe in Costa Mesa, near my previous job at Rauxa.

So here is the rundown of what I like to put in my burrito:
  • Thick slices of bacon, chopped in big pieces.
  • Crunchy shredded hashbrowns cooked in above mentioned bacon grease
  • Light and fluffy scrambled eggs (with a wee bit of milk mixed in egg mixture). do not overcook eggs!!
  • Shredded (sharp or medium) cheddar cheese
  • Freshly chopped cilantro
  • Freshly made salsa - but that isn't always handy, so the salsa in the jar will have to do the majority of the time.

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